Love, Love, Love is the abundant energy everyone needs to freely give to each other. It is the energy which will nourish the Tree of Life in Everyone.

Ushering Humanity back to Love is the ultimate way to pave the way to Divine Creator’s Kingdom, as everything lives within us, therefor it is a reflection of One’s Self (Creator’s Creation) materializing outwards.

I’s inner-standing re Humanity’s Wealth Distribution through a Benefactor’s Roll, is actually this Earth’s Wealth already belonging to Humanity, as it always has been this way.


Due to majority of humanity’s current state of mind and well-being, it would be wise to see all their human survival needs met before they embark into the layer/s of healing each one would choose to receive.

Therefor the focus been in the sharing of love and using Wealth, first, to bring a nourishing state of well-being. Giving them the opportunity if chosen to begging the self-loving process they are so much in need, forming the foundation for self exploration, connection and expansion.

Establishing Ministry of Nature’s Community Centers throughout the Suburbs, State and Country will bring opportunities for Star-seeds, Humanitarians, Caring Loving Beings to come together and provide the ethical and moral love they have been desiring to give all along.

By focusing on Humanity’s Well-Being, Connection and Self Expression, we move onto expansion thrown educational courses, the exploration of truths and the sharing of Wealth which is rightfully theirs.

I feel the needs for everyone to have more then enough and begging experiencing the abundance awaiting them as we usher them into a secure comfortable life, with no dependency on others, giving the opportunity for self empowerment and experiencing the Sovereign Being each one is.


As we are building the foundations for a self governed empowered Civilization, we will be buying all infrastructure which service, aids and support Human Life, Security, Health, Education, Innovation, is another major step in ushering Humanity into Divine Creator’s Kingdom.

Filling positions and introducing the lawful, educational, healing and policing establishments will be a huge inner-taking and with the help of all good heart people in each sector, this can be accomplished Seamless as I see the collaboration of communities having a major part in the foundation of an ethical, innovative, moral Civilization.

Giving opportunities to every Human Living Man/Woman to rise as a Sovereign Being and collectively create The New Golden Age on Earth.
